Ni ella ni yo pensamos disculparnos por nuestras palabras. No se disculpa el sol aunque queme ni la luna aunque en ocasiones aterre. Yo amo, todo aquello que pueda ser amable, y como me rehúso a esconderme, he aquí mi escape.

24 ene 2014


(Esta es una serie de 'poesía' que simplemente me venía a la cabeza. Pondré sus fechas sólo porque si, me parece necesario y justo.)


There's no survival,
no ignition.
How can you lit up a fire
that's already meant to die?


Hold it
keep it together
as if
in a way
you could
prevent the sky from falling.


If it's meant to fall,
It'd fall.
If it were meant to endure,
it would.
What is this world meant to?


The sky's burning
and you see them fall.
They fall like they'd never belonged
to that place.

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