Ni ella ni yo pensamos disculparnos por nuestras palabras. No se disculpa el sol aunque queme ni la luna aunque en ocasiones aterre. Yo amo, todo aquello que pueda ser amable, y como me rehúso a esconderme, he aquí mi escape.

24 ene 2014


And you ask for proves,
you ask for evidence,
don't you have enough
with being able to ask yourself?


Now you see 
how great
is great.

It's not what you want,
It's not as you please,
there's a way for everything,
there's a plan for things.


I'm there
I stand
I endure


You are.


Say you're here,
say you remain,
say my name,
show me a way.


Yet knowledge,
yet science, 
mean nothing
without that experience.


Need to awake,
need to move,
shake the numbness 
from this ---


It burns,
it's real, 
there's no stopping
no army needed.


Just say it,
that's enough,
say the words,
He'll do the job.


Endless life,
endless hope,
endless love,
held in words.


You can't be so good or bad that there isn't someone who wants to be like you.

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